
Data Example

The training data will consist of text snippets from sustainability reports, along with their corresponding content classification labels. Each snippet is 3–5 sentences long and represents different reporting criteria sections such as "Ressourcenmanagement" or "Wesentlichkeit". Furthermore the last sentence of the snippet is annotated regarding it's verifiability. A sample snippet and its classification might look like this:

Content Classification:
Resource Management

Verifiability Rating:

Important Dates

Questions & Answers


  • Shared Task Email (contact for all questions): sustaineval@gmail.com
  • Jakob Prange, Universität Augsburg (contact for task specific questions): jakob.prange@uni-a.de
  • Charlott Jakob, TU Berlin (contact for organisational questions): c.jakob@tu-berlin.de
  • Annemarie Friedrich, Universität Augsburg
  • References

    • Bingler, J. A., Kraus, M., Leippold, M., & Webersinke, N. (2024). How cheap talk in climate disclosures relates to climate initiatives, corporate emissions, and reputation risk. Journal of Banking & Finance, 164, 107191.
    • Diggelmann, T., et al. (2020). Climate-FEVER: A dataset for verification of real-world climate claims. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.00614.
    • Schimanski, T., et al. (2023). ClimateBERT-netzero: Detecting and assessing net-zero and reduction targets. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08096.